Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Action, Expectation, Observation

I remember writing some parts of Practical Development Environments vividly, despite the sleep deprivation that writing a book and having a new child will produce. One such section summarizes what goes into a good bug report:

The three key points to bear in mind when creating a bug report should be:

  • How to reproduce the bug, as precisely as possible, and how often this will make the bug appear

  • What should have happened, at least in your opinion

  • What actually happened, or at least as much information as you have recorded

I still like what I wrote. And now I think it's good advice for other situations. For example,

  • Action: I was taking my brother's toy from him. It was his new toy.

  • Expectation: He should have let me take it because he wasn't using it anymore

  • Observation: He hit me!

Maybe I'll get it printed on my next batch of business cards:
Action, Expectation, Observation.


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